Thursday, December 2, 2010

Week 13 Preview: Put up or STFU

Week 13 is finally upon us... the last week of the regular season... since I like my title so much I will type it again... it is PUT UP or STFU week. I will not explain that abbreviation... I think it's pretty clear. Harsh but true. So who will make the playoffs and who JUST miss!? That's what I'm here for... let's go...

Oh and by the way, the notes already did all the scenarios so yeah I won't bore you by repeating those, I will just throw some teams under the bus and predict winners... you know the drill.

Bear Pascoes v. V~~~ E~~~~: #5/#10 matchup. Even if the Pascoes lose this game, they are most likely in due to their substantial league leading point total... (a total I had the pleasure of hearing at least 4 times on Thanksgiving... it never got old). Who would ever of thought that Viva may be eliminated from playoff contention? It's been a tough year BUT I see this team making the playoffs by the skin of their teeth. Just look at the Pascoes starting lineup and tell me he will win. Viva by 5+... but it would be comical if they win and STILL miss the playoffs... nobody wants to be that #9.

DIRTY HARRY v. Shake N' Bake: Clearly the big ticket game... #1/#13. Shake, enjoy hitting the links next week but DIRTY will join you a week later because a win by DIRTY will send him packing when they face whoever #8 is in the first round. BUT if Shake wins and the LIONS win... the commish will be in that #1 spot... so Shake plays a big role this week... well... not really..... but DIRTY will win and Shake will be in a cat fight with Alaska to see who finishes in dead last.

NITTANY LIONS v. Mean Machine: Father/son battle... #2/#6. Huge, big, ginormous game for Paul Crewe and Co. I hate to say it but the commish will pull through in this one... a lower scoring game than you would expect. But I would take it easy on the old man if I were you, LIONS... you may have to move out asap if you send the Machine packing... just don't flash those two fake rings on your fingers to him... we both know he loves that oh so much. It would be kinda rad (surfer slang) to have all 3 Moore's in the playoffs, so the senior will need some other team losses/point help to make that happen... no pressure.

Wallys Warriors v. red moon cards: I am really rootin' for ya, Wallys. 4 game losing streak, on of the senior citizens, probably will miss the playoffs even with a win, BUT you play the role of major spoiler this week against the luckiest team that doesn't even have a clue. I don't see either team breaking 100... but the Warriors will do just enough to win by a few points and send the cards packing for a one way trip out of this league.

Altoona Giants v. CrazyFools: The commish called this the G.O.T.W... I guess both teams are a pretty big deal. #3/#4 battle purely for playoff positing. I want that home field so I'm not holding the dogs back but I hope that red hair doesn't scare them and make them run away. This will be a solid battle, but let's be serious... of course I'm picking myself... and of course that's being biased... if you had a blog, would you pick against yourself?....think..... didn't think so. Shall be a close win for Altoona and this organization is absolutely thrilled to FINALLY make it back to the playoffs... kinda forget what goes on after this week. But these two teams MAY.. meet again... duh na naaa.

Da Mounts v. Alaska Ice Bashers: The 6-6 Mounties are holding onto the ledge of a bridge at this moment in time. But just ahead in the distance he sees a helicopter covered in ice so he knows it's the Alaska Ice Bashers ready to rescue him and spring them into the playoffs. But will he lend that hand or will they play the role of spoiler and let Da Mounts fall off? Alaska will lend that hand and Da Mounts will be so ever thankful that the random Yahoo! schedule gods matched him up with Alaska in week 13... not only does he have an in with the I.T. guy that controls the clocks on draft pick day, but Brandon Funston as well. Da Mounts by 15+.

GR!!! v. One Man Wolfpack: This game only matters for One Man as he sits nervously in the 8th spot with one game to go. In a perfect world where One Man calls the shots, he will win, remain in 8th and upset the #1 DIRTY in round 1. But this may be another comical result if they win and miss the playoffs... which will happen because I already said Viva will get in... so hope you win with 200, Wolfpack... or you will be in fantasy depression.

That is all he wrote... good luck to the teams on the fence and enjoy playing your last game of the season to those who get eliminated... but be sure to read the View every week no matter how much in the gutter you are. Come back on TUESDAY for the Week 13 RECAP and playoff things

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